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Washroom Products

Urinal Screens with Block

Protect your pipework, fixture or fitting from costly maintenance and time consuming cleaning with this easily disposable urinal screen with block


Protect your pipework, fixture or fitting from costly maintenance and time consuming cleaning with this easily disposable urinal screen with block. Simply place plastic screen with open
end against centre of urinal. That’s it! Upon flushing the urinal, the water dissolves a portion of the waxy composition contained in the block, releasing its bacteriostatic ingredients and refreshing scent.

• Long lasting ... a minimum of 30 days.
• Complete screen and chemical block bonded together.
• New deodorizing system works effectively, leaves air mildly scented.
• Automatically cleans, descales, deodorizes with every flush.
• Specially formulated to prevent waste build-up.

Code                    Description
CU30        Uni tab urinal screens/puck – lavender scent
CU40        Urinal screens with non-para block
CU50        Urinal screens with para block
MIUS-1    Urinal screen – cherry scent
MIUS-2    Urinal screen – bubble gum scent

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