Our Products

WHMIS products and binders

Hazard Awareness Centre

Make Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) easily accessible to employees as required under WHMIS with the Hazard Awareness Centre


Make Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) easily accessible to employees as required under WHMIS with the Hazard Awareness Centre. Constructed of sturdy red acrylic, this 24" x 30" display comes with drilled corners for easy mounting in prominent locations throughout the workplace. Available in English, French and Bilingual WHMIS kits. Centres and binders are also available separately.

English WHMIS
Kit includes:
1 WHMIS Centre
2 MSDS Binders
2 WHMIS Charts
50 English Wallet Cards

French WHMIS
Kit includes:
1 Bilingual WHMIS Centre
2 French MSDS Binders
2 French Charts
50 Bilingual Wallet Cards

Bilingual WHMIS
Kit includes:
1 Bilingual WHMIS Centre
1 English MSDS Binder and Chart
1 French MSDS Binder and Chart
50 Bilingual Wallet Cards

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